2,616 research outputs found

    Stable self similar blow up dynamics for slightly L^2 supercritical NLS equations

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    We consider the focusing nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations i∂tu+Δu+u∣u∣p−1=0i\partial_t u+\Delta u +u|u|^{p-1}=0 in dimension 1≤N≤51\leq N\leq 5 and for slightly L2L^2 supercritical nonlinearities p_c with pc=1+4Np_c=1+\frac{4}{N} and 0<\e\ll 1. We prove the existence and stability in the energy space H1H^1 of a self similar finite time blow up dynamics and provide a qualitative description of the singularity formation near the blow up tim

    Isolatedness of characteristic points at blow-up for a semilinear wave equation in one space dimension

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    We consider the semilinear wave equation with power nonlinearity in one space dimension. We consider an arbitrary blow-up solution u(x,t)u(x,t), the graph x↦T(x)x\mapsto T(x) of its blow-up points and S⊂R{\cal S}\subset {\mathbb R} the set of all characteristic points. We show that {\ca S} is locally finite.Comment: 57 page

    Blow-up behavior outside the origin for a semilinear wave equation in the radial case

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    We consider the semilinear wave equation in the radial case with conformal subcritical power nonlinearity. If we consider a blow-up point different from the origin, then we exhibit a new Lyapunov functional which is a perturbation of the one dimensional case and extend all our previous results known in the one-dimensional case. In particular, we show that the blow-up set near non-zero non-characteristic points is of class C1C^1, and that the set of characteristic points is made of concentric spheres in finite number in {1R≤∣x∣≤R}\{\frac 1R \le |x|\le R\} for any R>1R>1.Comment: 21 page

    Effective theory of a doubly charged singlet scalar: complementarity of neutrino physics and the LHC

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    We consider a rather minimal extension of the Standard Model involving just one extra particle, namely a single SU(2)LSU(2)_L singlet scalar S++S^{++} and its antiparticle S−−S^{--}. We propose a model independent effective operator, which yields an effective coupling of S±±S^{\pm \pm} to pairs of same sign weak gauge bosons, W±W±W^{\pm} W^{\pm}. We also allow tree-level couplings of S±±S^{\pm \pm} to pairs of same sign right-handed charged leptons lR±lR′±l^{\pm}_Rl'^{\pm}_R of the same or different flavour. We calculate explicitly the resulting two-loop diagrams in the effective theory responsible for neutrino mass and mixing. We propose sets of benchmark points for various S±±S^{\pm \pm} masses and couplings which can yield successful neutrino masses and mixing, consistent with limits on charged lepton flavour violation (LFV) and neutrinoless double beta decay. We discuss the prospects for S±±S^{\pm \pm} discovery at the LHC, for these benchmark points, including single and pair production and decay into same sign leptons plus jets and missing energy. The model represents a minimal example of the complementarity between neutrino physics (including LFV) and the LHC, involving just one new particle, the S±±S^{\pm \pm}.Comment: 57 pages, 14 figures, 10 tables, version accepted for publication in JHE

    Dark Radiation or Warm Dark Matter from long lived particle decays in the light of Planck

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    Although Planck data supports the standard \Lambda CDM model, it still allows for the presence of Dark Radiation corresponding up to about half an extra standard neutrino species. We propose a scenario for obtaining a fractional "effective neutrino species" from a thermally produced particle which decays into a much lighter stable relic plus standard fermions. At lifetimes much longer than 1 sec, both the relic particles and the non-thermal neutrino component contribute to Dark Radiation. By increasing the stable-to-unstable particle mass ratio, the relic particle no longer acts as Dark Radiation but instead becomes a candidate for Warm Dark Matter with mass O(1keV - 100GeV). In both cases it is possible to address the lithium problem.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; v3 matches version to be published in PL
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